Follow these instructions to end your subscription at any time:
- Log in here.
- Select zones in the top menu.
- Click on the zone you'd like to cancel, then manage zone.
- Select deactivate zone.
- Click on cancel zone.
- Tell us why you're cancelling the service. We appreciate any feedback that helps us improve Soundtrack.
The subscription will remain active until your current billing period has ended. If you would like to activate it again in the future, just follow the same steps and choose resume subscription instead.
Note - If you are a trial user, your trial will automatically end if you don't select a plan and enter your payment details.
Pause zone
Are you only open for the season but plan on using Soundtrack again? If you're on a monthly plan, you can pause your subscription for up to 365 days instead of canceling. Just follow the cancellation steps, but select "Pause zone" to choose your restart date.