If the Soundtrack Player hardware stops playing music for no reason or shows up as offline in the web portal, you should troubleshoot the device. Follow the steps below:
Check the status on our service
Before troubleshooting your device, confirm that the issue is not caused by maintenance or issues with the Soundtrack service. Go to our status page to get the latest information: https://status.soundtrackyourbrand.com
Check your network connection
Make sure the player is connected to the internet via ethernet cable, and that the ethernet cable you are going to use is working.
Verify that the firewall settings are correct
Make sure that the following ports are open for outbound traffic:
443 (TCP)
53 (UDP/TCP)
123 (UDP)
Restart the player
Unplug the power cable and plug it back in. Wait for 5 minutes to see if the LED status changes.
Factory reset the player
1. Unplug the power cable.
2. Use a small pin and push the little button left to the USB on the front panel.
3. At the same time, plug the power cable back in.
4. Keep the pin pressed in for 30 seconds or until you can see that both lights are blinking green.
5. Leave the player paired and connected to the internet for 15 minutes.
Generate a troubleshooting report
Insert a FAT32 formatted USB stick into the player for 1 hour. Then, insert the USB stick into a computer and open the troubles.html
Report the issue to Soundtrack
Include the troubleshooting report and any other relevant information. Send it to support@soundtrackyourbrand.com